How to make a digital clock in Python Language using Thinkter

How to make digital clock in python programmin language 

by using thinkter

-Rohit Malwal


__As we know Tkinter is used to create a variety of GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications. In this article we will learn how to create a Digital clock using Tkinter

Using Label widget from Tkinter and time module : 
In the following application, we are going to use Label widget and also going to use time module which we will use to retrieve system’s time.
Below is the implementation: +++++++


# importing whole module
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *
# importing strftime function to
# retrieve system's time
from time import strftime
# creating tkinter window
root = Tk()
# This function is used to
# display time on the label
def time():
    string = strftime('%H:%M:%S %p')
    lbl.config(text = string)
    lbl.after(1000, time)
# Styling the label widget so that clock
# will look more attractive
lbl = Label(root, font = ('calibri', 40, 'bold'),
            background = 'purple',
            foreground = 'white')
# Placing clock at the centre
# of the tkinter window
lbl.pack(anchor = 'centre')


copy and paste the above source 

code in your python IDE

-Rohit Malwal

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